The Power of Internet Images

Five words Jenny is trying to project with her pictures are serene, adventuresome, courageous, artsy, and happy.
I think that the pictures seem serene because they show a lot of nature and seem very relaxed and calm to me. The pictures seem adventuresome because she is in different places for each photo. One is at the beach, one is in the city, and on is on a bridge. They seem courageous because they show passion and bravery for going to these places. The pictures seem artsy to me because they are all from a different perspective than most instagram accounts today. 
These pictures focus more on composition than on how good you look. The pictures seem happy because how could you not be happy, living such a passionate lifestyle.
I think she was very successful in portraying these sort of moods in her photos. I like the account because it makes me feel serene, adventuresome, courageous, artsy, and happy.
I think that Jenny would be a good role model, because she seems like she would have a positive attitude and yet go with the flow. She would probably be a good mother and neighbor, because her pictures do not seem inappropriate or too dangerous. I would like to be friends with her if my interpretation is correct since she seems like a fun person to hang out with.

Now that I saw the video, I can see how my interpretation is wrong, and that people are not always who you think they are.
