


The elements that I changed to make this book cover look modern were the font, art style, and border. I kept the same color of the background because I thought the color went well with Shakespeare because he was a writer and paper was the color of the background. I decided to change the art style to make it appear more modern because the style of portrait used is not popular anymore. I used a quill and ink because though these are not modern items, I formatted them in a modern, almost minimal way by making the ink bleed into the text. The fonts I chose helped make the book cover look modern too. I decided to get rid of a border all together to make the design look cleaner.


  1. I like how the ink goes into the text, but it might look better if the text had the same texture as the ink. I also like how the author's name is like it is being written on the cover.

  2. I really like the book cover because it is successful in making it more appealing to the modern person. Shakespeare would be impressed.


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